
Sustainability is not just a buzzword.

Sustainability is a critical issue facing our world today. With increasing environmental concerns and social challenges, businesses have a responsibility to take action towards sustainability. At The Straits International, we believe that sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a fundamental principle that guides everything we do. We are committed to promoting sustainable practices in all aspects of our business operations, including reducing food waste and driving positive environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives.

We recognise that sustainability is essential for the future, and we are committed to promoting sustainable practices in all aspects of our business. We prioritise eco-friendly packaging materials and products made from sustainable materials, and we use renewable energy sources whenever possible.

In addition, We also optimise our delivery routes to reduce carbon emissions, and we encourage our employees to use alternative transportation options, such as public transit or cycling.

We are committed to continuously improving our sustainability practices and reducing our environmental impact. We believe that by promoting sustainability, we can create long-term value for our stakeholders and help build a better future for all.

Reducing the Food Waste

Food waste is a significant issue facing the world today, with over 1.3 billion tonnes of food wasted globally each year. This represents a significant waste of resources, including land, energy, and water, and has a significant environmental impact, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. It also has a social impact, as food waste is a significant contributor to food insecurity and poverty.

Did you know?

30% of ALL Food Produced is Lost or Wasted


At The Straits International we are committed to taking action to reduce food waste. We have implemented a unique system that enables us to recycle expired or surplus milk powder and food waste into animal feed, reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills. This approach not only reduces our environmental impact but also supports local farmers and the agriculture industry.

Our recycling approach is based on the circular economy concept, where waste is transformed into a valuable resource. By recycling food waste into animal feed, we are promoting sustainable agriculture practices, reducing the environmental impact of food waste, and supporting local communities. Our recycled feed is not only a sustainable solution for farmers but also provides a nutritious diet for animals, ensuring their health and wellbeing.

The ESG Initiative

We believe that ESG initiatives are essential for creating long-term value for all stakeholders. Our ESG initiatives focus on reducing food waste, promoting sustainability, and supporting our local community. We believe that by incorporating ESG factors into our decision-making processes, we can ensure that we are creating value not just for shareholders, but for all stakeholders.

Our ESG initiatives are guided by a clear and comprehensive framework, which includes the following:


We prioritise sustainability and are committed to reducing our environmental impact through reducing food waste, promoting sustainable practices, and minimising our carbon footprint.


We are committed to promoting social sustainability, including supporting our local community, providing job training and other resources to our employees, and promoting social justice and equality.


We believe in transparency, accountability, and ethical business practices. We adhere to strict governance standards, including anti-corruption policies and practices, and regularly report on our sustainability initiatives.


Our Range of Sustainable Products